The holidays have come and gone and finally the sun is shining. As soon as the weather gets warm many children want to take every opportunity to get outdoors and have fun playing and exploring. As parents we also want to enjoy fresh air and are happy to see our children getting out after months of being stuck indoors. For me as an educator and a mom what better place to ignite a child’s curiosity for learning than in nature! Over the Passover holiday I spent time with my youngest son reading his favorite series The Magic Tree House. Our little Noah was introduced to these books by his wonderful preschool teachers who read it to the whole class. Each night we read one or two chapters and with each reading I was reminded more and more how much reading books together is so essential for his cognitive and emotional development - and mine too!
Let’s face it we are all busy moms and dad both in our personal lives and professional lives. I get that it can be hard to commit to reading every day with your child, I am with you. What this break reinforced for me is that I must take the time to read for pleasure with my children more regularly for these and other reasons.
1 - Reading books, especially those of interest to children peeks curiosity about the world around us. I noticed my son making connections with what he was learning in the stories we read when we were exploring nature at the mountain, driving through the streets of Montreal by car, and walking in our neighbourhood. Through his interest and curiosity I learned something new each day!
2- Reading supports children in developing critical thinking, essential skills for life. As much as the content of a book can be fascinating, our overarching goal is for our children to grow their critical thinking skills through literature. They take what they read and anchor it in the brain to prior knowledge and vice versa. As well, the more you read together, the more questions your child will have which generates such interesting points of discussion between them and the people they interact with.
2 - The more we read with our children, the more they grow a rich and full vocabulary which they will use in all communication - oral, reading, and writing. As they grow, children use their vocabulary in all situations they encounter in life.
3 - Reading with your child at the end of the day has a calming effect on both you and your child. Our days are filled with different tasks, activities, and interactions. While all of them are important and our reality, we need to take some time to slow down before going to sleep at night. Shared reading is a ritual that can bring you and your child to a place of peace and relaxation which is needed at the end of a busy day. For me this is really the best part!
Reading development is truly a passion of mine. Seeing children falling in love with books and literature is such a beautiful thing. If you would like to discuss your child’s reading skills with me please contact me. I would also love to hear what your child enjoys reading and the books that you read together so please share! Have a great week!