I don’t know about you but I can’t believe that the end of the school year is here! Looking back at all of the growth that our students and my own children have made as learners is so gratifying and truly amazes me. Soon enough children, teachers, and parents will be enjoying a much deserved break for the summer. Before that happens teachers will have the opportunity to share their feedback with you through report cards, phone calls, emails or meetings. As parents we listen and take in their observations and recommendations and then what? How can we take what they share and help our children grow further from it? The easiest thing would be to look at the report card, listen to their words and file it for future reference right? As tired as we and our children may be at this time of year we need to take their feedback and use it as a springboard forward into the summer and the next school year. Here’s what I recommend.
- When looking at your child’s report card with them help them look at it with a growth mindset. Where have they improved? What are areas that they needs to focus more on? My daughter wrote a test a few weeks ago. She received a failing mark which was very discouraging for her. She had the opportunity to retake the test. When she received the mark on the retake which was 30 marks higher than the first try she was still disappointed. I reminded her that what is important is her growth not that she gets the highest mark. We talked about what she did differently on the retake, how she prepared for it, and the concepts that she understood better the second time around. Children are constantly in a state of growth and nothing is fixed. They don’t always see that. Rewarding effort is so important for children to move forward in their learning.
- Read through the report card comments with your child. Look at the qualitative feedback not just the marks. Children need to internalize all the wonderful things that their teacher sees in them and also what they recommend they should work on.
- Take the time to celebrate the school year that has passed and all of your child’s accomplishments both the little and the big. Ask them to tell you what they enjoyed the most this year, what they learned, and their goals for next year. The end of the school year is the perfect time to set some goals for the coming year while it is fresh in their minds. Maybe your child wants to become a better writer, reader, communicator, or basketball player. By putting those goals in writing helps children feel that they can do it. You can reread it with them in August before the school year starts which can help jumpstart the new year.
Reviewing the year is a great way to wrap up the school year and transition into the summer! Wishing you and your families a restful, summer filled with great weather and lots of fun! Stay tuned for more blog posts throughout the summer. Have a great week!
