I have always loved the famous saying that time flies when you are having fun but I never really thought that it would be how I experience pregnancy! I truly feel blessed that I can look back at the past 33 weeks and see all the wonder and beauty of being pregnant.
First and foremost, I want to share with you that with all the goodness has also come rough moments too. I had a long winter filled with lots of nausea, fatigue, emotional ups and downs, and some other wacky symptoms. Through all of it I continued to work full time, prepare meals, care for my family, and more, which is a blessing that I don’t take lightly. At times I also felt afraid, insecure, highly sensitive and anxious about what the next few months would look like. So you are probably wondering what made the time fly by? I want to share with you my experience of what helped me over the past few months.
Although movement and physical activity have always been part of my life, over the past five years I have made the commitment to move daily. Upon finding out that I was pregnant I was determined to stick to my regular workout routine. Daily exercise in Zumba classes, Strong by Zumba classes, one-on-one training sessions, walking outdoors, even some skiing has improved my physical, mental, and emotional well being and mood. Consistency and commitment was key to maintaining all of it.
As much as sweating and intense exercise have helped me, I also learned that recovery and as my Posture Alignment Therapist Vered Haiun says “putting the body back together” is as important. Posture therapy has ensured that I don’t get injured while training and relieved my headaches and nausea too. I have had weekly posture sessions throughout my pregnancy. Recently I began to feel pain in my right hip. I immediately committed to doing specific posture exercises at home that Vered recommended and within a few days I felt much better. If you haven’t tried it and experience pain or you are pregnant, I highly recommend it.
As I near the end of my pregnancy, I am continuing to focus on my self-care by resting as much as possible. I have always found it hard to stop the go, go, go, knowing that there is so much to get done - I’m sure you can relate! Taking the time to close my eyes, put my feet up, and relax fuels me for all the activities that I enjoy so much on my own and with my family and friends.
To those of you who are pregnant for the first time, fifth time or thinking of becoming pregnant my advice to you is of course listen to your doctor, seek out advice of a coach or therapist but always listen to your body. Do what feels good to you. No one knows you better than you.
So yes time has flown and I have had fun. It may sound crazy but I really am enjoying being pregnant. I am in deep appreciation for it all - watching my body change, feeling those miraculous baby movements, and relishing in my husband and children’s excitement for this new chapter in our lives. With the help of God the best is really yet to come!